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When The System Breaks Down & Our Representatives Fail Us

Only Intelligent Direct-Action Will Work


When our elected representatives choose to betray us and in turn our democratic process we have only one option - to take Direct Action

Direct-Action means by-passing the system that has ceased to function effectively. This does not mean go against the law or does it mean turning to violent protest.


Our philosophy is to cause positive change using the very systems that have failed, including the ballot box. Our Direct-Action will therefore:


  • Always be lawful

  • Never use violence

  • Use proven democratic systems

  • Be inclusive of all people


Awaken the masses by clearly informing them just what has been going on and we are all being cheated by an out of touch political elite and wider establishment.


Our current voting system does not lead to intended representation of the peoples will. In the absence of a change to this system, we will employ Direct-Action to make elections become meaningful-a kind of poitical whipping towads the peoples real interest - This is call Block Voting

Block-Voting means that rather than everyone making their vote based upon their individual preference, a group of people with a common desire, agree to deploy their votes collectively to either i) increase the chances of an outcome or ii) to prevent a particular outcome.


Once politicians are elected, this is done in parliament to guarantee party-level desire to win. MP's forefeit their individual preference for the good of the party.


In the case of Brexit, not only is a particular mandate but the democracy itself is being betrayed - the aggregate position of parliament, including the government, is against the will of the people and they are bending and breaking the rules and law to overrun the peoples decision.


Well we can also play the same game through teh ballot box by collectively agreeing to pool our votes towards candidates that believe in Brexit, which by default will deselect those that are betraying us. Effectively we use our democractic power to oust the traitors of the people.


For this to work, it is not a random action but requires considerable analysis and engineering, which is where we come in:


  • Determine the majorities of all MP's

  • Analyse, which seats are most vulnerable

  • Determine candidate and voting strategy

  • Canvas support and implement on voting day

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